The Love story of Sam and Frank

Sam was a beautiful liqueur that Frank stumbled upon one day while browsing the shelves of his local liquor store. From the moment he took his first sip, Frank was smitten. The smooth, sweet flavor of the anise seeds was like nothing he had ever tasted. 

Frank became obsessed with sambuca, spending every spare moment sipping on the liqueur and dreaming up new ways to enjoy it. He started inviting friends over to try it, and before he knew it, he was the life of the party. People were drawn to his infectious love of sambuca, and Frank became more and more social as a result. As the weeks passed, Frank's love for sambuca only grew stronger. He thought about the liqueur and started to dream of a future where he could share his passion for sambuca with the world. One day, Frank decided to take the plunge and declare his love for sambuca. He poured himself a liqueur and raised it to his lips, toasting the beginning of his new life as a social butterfly. And as he sipped on the sweet liquid, he knew that he had found his true love in the form of a bottle of organic sambuca.

Sam & Frank

To health, wealth and happiness